Certified Painting Professionals is your loyal painter in Dardenne Prairie, MO. In fact our team of loyal painters can help you bring your vision to reality with any painting project that you may have. Certified Painting Professionals has extensive experience in a wide range of painting for interior and exterior projects. So if you are looking to remodel the office into a new baby room or possible transition your living room into something new and exciting, we can handle your painting needs. We have assisted many clients with transforming their home into something new and exciting.

One of the best aspects of our job is helping clients transform their home into something they love. When our clients come to us are ready for a change. Some of our clients know exactly what they want while others are unsure, but know they want something different. For those who know what they want, that’s great, but we do try to help our customers by finding what inspires them. Inspiration comes from different aspects of life.

In fact, we had one customer who was unsure of what color to paint her walls. After discussing ideas with her we choose to pick colors base on her recent trip to Tuscany. We choose Tuscany because our client had recently gone on vacation there and fell in love with the city. She wanted to move there but wasn’t possible as her family, friends and job were here. So we knew we had to move Tuscany to St. Louis. Therefore, she decorated and painted her entire living room to resemble her favorite aspects of Tuscany. Sometimes inspiration strikes us when we least expect it by an adventure or experience we have.

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