FREE ESTIMATE: (618) 560-7030

Certified Painting Professionals Promise

Certified Painting Professionals mission is to ensure 100% satisfaction from start to finish. We do this by giving our customers the lowest prices on the market. Furthermore, we always stay within the budget that we agree upon and have an efficient track record of meeting deadlines. Once the job is completed we do a thorough walk-through to ensure everything is complete according to our customer’s standards. Most importantly, our overall goal is to make sure our customers are happy!

Affordable Pricing, Competitive Pricing

We offer competitive rates while doing an exceptional job.

Stay on Schedule, Always on Schedule, Stick to a Schedule

On Schedule
We stick to the agreed upon schedule. Always completing our projects on TIME.

On budget, Never Overcharge, Honest Pricing

On Budget
We stick to the agreed upon price. Our customers NEVER have to worry about surprise fees or unexpected charges.

Satisfaction Guaranteed, Guaranteed Satisfaction

Satisfaction Guarantee
We work hard to guarantee that every customer is satisfied with the work our team provides. Your happiness is our goal.

Certified Painting Professionals Process

Our process is simple. Call us to schedule a free estimate. Once you decide to proceed, we will start painting and when we finish we will do any touch ups then clean our workspace. Furthermore, we ensure the job is completed by your desired deadline.

Painting Process




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