Lulu Bear

Learn More About Miss Lulu Bear our Company Mascot

**Questions are answered in the way we believe Miss Lulu Bear would answer if she could speak human herself**

How did you get elected to be Certified Painting Professional mascot? 

One day while staring at Mommy with the biggest smile, she leaned down and told me that I should be the company mascot. I was so excited I couldn’t stop wagging my tail. Ever since then, they tell me that I am the best company mascot that they have ever had!

How do you spend your free time?

I spend my free time sleeping when my Mommy and Daddy are gone. When they are home, I get to play non-stop! We go for walks in the parks and hikes in the woods.

What is your favorite activity to do with Mommy and Daddy? 

My favorite thing to do with Mommy and Daddy is to go on long walks in the park.